Exploit the full potential of drone applications, increase coverage, make more complex and wide-ranging operations possible. ESG has developed the icing on the safety chain cake as enabler – a smart, highly reliable and certified rescue system for ground risk mitigation.
Always having an eye on the current and future EASA safety requirements, the valAIRion Smart Drone Rescue System paves the way for more complex, risky and wide-ranging UAV applications (e.g. BVLOS operations over sparsely populated areas) being deployed safely. Through smart and reliable ground risk mitigation in case of drone malfunctioning or a crash.
ESG has therefore created a modular system consisting of:
(1) The trigger module as the smart core of the system. It represents an avionic-system-independent module for detecting emergency situations and triggering the rescue (parachute) system. With its autonomous and innovative flight attitude sensor system and DAL C design, a very high reliability can be assured.
(2) A tube container holding and launching the parachute. By achieving a mechanic release of the parachute, no risks appear due to potentially hazardous pyrotechnics. This system is certified according to ultralight planes rescue chutes (RG-UL) NfL 2-366-17 as an acknowledged certification in SORA.
The lightweight system is currently designed for MTOW 150kg as well as 245kg. It is adjustable for and retrofittable to different UAV types within 25-500kg. A DVR process with EASA is ongoing.
The system can be combined with a geocaging solution. Especially for higher risk operations leading to SORA SAIL IV, latest EASA rules also require an independent geocaging solution. ESG uses its experience in the development of certified geocaging devices up to DAL B level for military applications to derive a civil geogacing version, which is currently being developed.
Benefits at a glance:
- Gain up to 2 ground risk mitigation credits in SORA
- Enable safe BVLOS flight operations in the category “specific” and “certified” in accordance with the current EU regulation
- Protect people on the ground, the UAV and valuable payload
- Reduce risk during flight tests
- Create trust and promote the acceptance of new UAV technologies and automated drone flights in lower airspace
With years of experience as system provider for safety-critical aviation systems and extensive expertise in creating unmanned technology solutions, ESG as aviation organisation embodies an experienced backbone for well thought-out and reliable rescue systems.
To get a tangible impression of our valAIRion Smart Drone Rescue System, stop by booth 1 at European Drone Forum or visit our Website valAIRION – Smart Drone Rescue System (esg.de)