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EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM 2021 – meet the industry, authorities and operators all at once

Let us cordially invite you to this year’s EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM in Cologne on
November 15th, 2021. Representatives of European authorities, industry, operators and users of the innovative technology will meet at this conference. Online participation is optional.


The EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM (EDF) has been bringing together an international audience interested in the legal, operational, safety and technical aspects of unmanned aviation since 2018.

This year, the conference is organised by

Over 30 representatives from Europe’s aviation authorities confirmed participation.

Together with industry and operators they will discuss about the lessons learned.

Discussions on the application of the harmonized European laws IR (EU) 2019/947 for the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAS) and the planned airspace integration “U-space” system are eagerly awaited. EASA has invited representatives from all aviation authorities in Europe to share their experiences to date. The industry will demonstrate innovations in technology and application during the conference.

In addition, an exhibition provides practical information about systems, networking opportunities and expands the theoretical discussions with real systems and services.

The EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM 2021 will end in a drinks-reception, to consolidate what has been discussed.

Language of the conference

The EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM will be held in English. Professional interpreters will provide a translation into German. With your personal mobile device you can also listen to the German language channel in the conference room. A personal headset, a mobile device with wifi access and the ZOOM.us app installed prior the event is needed.

Online participants can choose between the language channels within the ZOOM.us client at any time.

Online participation for people from abroad

The International Drone Conference of UAV DACH Unmanned Aviation Association welcomes you to meet with industry, authorities and operators all at once on Monday 15 November 2021 at the Dorint Hotel Cologne. Alternatively, for those unable to travel to Germany, online participation is available, including two-way discussions to bridge the gaps while we are still suffering of COVID-19. Using ZOOM video conferencing, multiple cameras and a chat monitoring team, we will enable online participation as good as in the conference room.

What if I cannot attend on-site last minute?

For all participants who purchased an on-site ticket, the personal online access to the conference is included. So if you decide to stay away last minute, you always have the option to participate online wherever you are staying.

Join us for the one and only European event where you will meet the unmanned aviation industry and aviation authorities!

Program of the EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM 2021

„Application of drones at large scale“

Safe operations in the specific category

Natale Di Rubbo | EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

  • Safety measures of EASA to continue the extension of specific category
  • Design verification – roadmap and requirements
  • Flights in urban areas with medium robustness – how can we start?

Fly safe – Safety promotion campaign

Antonio Gonzalez Gomez | EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

  • How to fly safely with a drone
  • Concrete examples of promotion drone material

Operational authorisation in Europe – lesson learned

Nina Dorfmayr | Austrocontrol Austria, Riccardo Delise | ENAC Italy

  • Overview of authorisations granted in member states
  • Specific examples of authorisations
  • Discussion about lessons learned, improvements needed

Light unmanned certificate LUC – overview and lesson learned

Romain Bevillard | DGAC France, Julien DUCHENE | RTE, Laurent Giolitti

  • Will the LUC be the right lever to solve the challenges facing operators?
  • What’s the view from Industry
  • How to overcome the resources needed for small operators

Uspace – the approach to manage mixed traffic

Maria Algar Ruiz | EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

  • Current planning of EASA
  • Upcoming decisions and roadmap

Geo-zones, why they are the key for the further development of the drone industry

Dr. Jan Dirks | Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure

Complex drone operations and resulting requirements on geo-zones and U-Space

Sandra Bodmer, Andreea Perca | Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA)

Operating authorisation for corporate security services with UAS

Andrea Reinmuth | BASF

Product safety and IT security in unmanned aviation – consequences of product liability

Dr. Thomas Grünvogel, Martin Launer | Osborne Clarke

Gyrocopter technology for UAS, an amazing solution

Jörg Schamuhn | CEO Airial Robotics

Bearing estimation of screams using a volumetric microphone array mounted on a UAV

Macarena Varela | Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE


Tickets are available online starting from €99 and can be paid by credit card, bank transfer or invoice at


Questions? Help needed?

Contact us for questions, further details or to participate as an exhibitor at edf@uavdach.org.


The EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM is brought to you by the UAV DACH – unmanned aviation association.Logo UAV DACH

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