8 08.12.2022

SORA 2.5: Update in the operating approval process for the specific category

2022-12-08T13:42:18+01:0008.12.2022|Categories: Implemented Regulation 2019/947, NEWS|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has announced that it will develop the SORA procedures and has officially released an appropriate update this week. Previously, only the attendees of the EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM got an exclusive sneak peak of the new SORA 2.5, since Natale Di Rubbo [...]

7 07.11.2022

Enabling business models: EASA and JEDA organize open dialogue

2022-11-07T20:00:04+01:0007.11.2022|Categories: NEWS|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Constructive collaboration How can approval processes be better designed in the future to enable the commercial use of UAS in the "specific category" and prevent an overload of the drone industry? This question was discussed today at the European Drone Forum (EDF) organized by UAV DACH in Cologne, [...]

30 30.06.2022

SORA Advance User Workshop preparing presentation for #EDF22

2025-01-04T19:24:23+01:0030.06.2022|Categories: NEWS|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

The new UAV DACH - SORA Focus Group and TUM Institute of Flight System Dynamics (FSD) launched a SORA survey to find out the challenges and success story from operators that use drones in the specific category. Within a few weeks, over 120 operators responded and provided [...]

20 20.06.2022

SORA survey launched

2022-06-20T11:12:43+01:0020.06.2022|Categories: NEWS|Tags: , , , , , |

UAV DACH - unmanned aviation association and TU Munich have established a new SORA Focus Group, to analyze and solve member challenges regarding the SORA authorization process for Specific-Category UAS operations. This Focus Group plans to organize workshops, collect information, and advocate on behalf of the UAV DACH [...]

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