NXP is working on innovating smart technologies with other businesses, governments, and academics through our Public Cooperation Programs (PCP), and here’s an update on two of our innovative projects to make flying drones smarter, safer, and therefore more useful in places where they can deliver the greatest benefits.

Adacorsa (Airborne Data Collection On Resilient System Architectures) is a research project that aims to unlock the potential of BVLOS drone operations, contribute to the increased and regulatory acceptance of drone use. The goal is to strengthen the integration of the automotive and drone industries and to reduce deployment costs with sensing technology from the automotive industry and COTS communication technologies and services.

Second, NXP is participating in a consortium called UDVeoUDVeo, led by the Helmut-Schmidt-University the Smidt government of Hamburg, Germany, to develop practical concepts and solutions for the integration of drones into real-world airspace applications.

Our Mobile Robotics Team, drawing on our established leadership in communications efficiency, safety, and security, is providing the project with solutions around NFC technology, our EdgeLock™ SE050 Secure Element Hardware for pilot and drone registration, as well as Drone-to-X for communication between drones (cooperative awareness) and between drone and infrastructure (UTM services) on the ground.

Last, NXP is working on a project called Drones4Bats and is partnering with the “HAW Hamburg” and “Windstrom” to prototype a measurement drones to gather more data at a compatible wind turbine facility in Germany. Our involvement is focused on developing a full autonomous drone that is capable of flying save in a wind park based on open source software (PX4 and ROS2) as well as a platform for secure precision landing, and charging that also provides real-time data insights on vehicle data and other variables. By enabling and collecting better data, the project will allow wind mill operators optimize their shutdown timing to maximize animal safety, thereby providing greater certainty and perhaps speeding the approval of their construction.