16 16.06.2022

Call4papers ended – exhibition spaces and supporter packages are still available

2022-06-16T12:40:27+01:0016.06.2022|Categories: NEWS|Tags: , , , , , |

The EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM on November 7-8 is the platform where operators can meet and network with authorities. It offers the space and time to explicitly present their experiences and feedback to representatives of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) as well as National Aviation Authorities. [...]

18 18.05.2022

Call4paper open for proposal submission

2025-01-04T19:24:23+01:0018.05.2022|Categories: NEWS|Tags: |

The EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM 2022 is opening a Call4paper. Representatives from public authorities, research institutions and companies are invited to submit their topic proposals for technical papers via the website https://www.eudroneforum.org by June 15, 2022. Suitable presentation topics include current research results, upcoming decisions, project outlines and reports [...]

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