Networking and presentations – both are enriching this conference

The EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM 2021 will present an impressive number of experts and representatives of national aviation authorities. It will be exciting to listen to their presentations and the lively discussions. Nevertheless, networking and personal contacts are almost as important to the participants as the content you will receive during the conference. In addition to the breaks during the day, the EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM will offer a drinks reception to exchange ideas and make contacts with various experts.

This year, HHLA Sky from Hamburg, Germany has decided to host the drinks reception at EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM.

Scalable, industrial drone control center, with UTM interface

HHLA Sky’s solution has been designed and built from the ground up to fully answer the rigorous demands for safe, scalable and effective drone operations – in industrial settings, critical infrastructures, security organizations, authorities, as well as in complex logistic applications. Challenging environments, where product safety and secure IT really counts, is where clients appreciate the thorough German engineering approach and that full control over all software aspects is retained.

Deployed as a combination of both a modular industrial drone hardware platform with control center(s), it allows control of 100+ UAS – across the world and BVLOS. Customizable integration in demanding enterprise environments makes workflows smart and effective by seamlessly connecting with e.g., ERP, EAM or corporate security.

Tight integration of HHLA Sky’s control center with UTM-systems (by exchanging flight-plans and -authorizations, static and dynamic geo zones, as well as monitoring manned aviation), results in immense efficiency and safety gains for the operator. Active involvement in the UDVeo project (Urban Drone Traffic efficiently organized) provides valuable practical experience and aids with informed iterations, as U-Space implementations are fast approaching.

The entire technology and software stack has cyber security built into its core and implements operational safety procedures from civil aviation in the workflows. Automated, software-supported processes are tightly interwoven with options for human-in-the-loop interaction – to satisfy regulatory demands or address operational requirements. The IoT platform has extensive reporting and auditing features already built in and also allows for other autonomous vehicles to be connected and controlled.

The system approach, which facilitates industrial processes, was recently honored with the prestigious German Innovation Award 2021.

Integration of harbour and unmanned aviation

HHLA Sky is a subsidiary of Hamburger Hafen Logistik AG. The demanding harbor environment was the defining setting for initial concepts and aided in continual refinement. Nowadays, Europe’s third largest harbor has already started benefiting from the early involvement in the drone space and UAS usage increasingly is becoming more common.

For some time now, the solution is also made available and deployed to select partners and clients throughout the world, with growing interest across industries, as well as from system integrators.

HHLA Sky GmbH, Hamburg/Germany

HHLA Sky Winner German Innovation Award 2021
HHLA Sky Winner German Innovation Award 2021

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