Starting in 2023 drone traffic in Europe will be uniformly regulated to enable efficient and safe drone operations. In the UDVeo research project, a consortium is developing practical solutions for the U-space regulation.
The consortium consists of legal experts, software and hardware engineers, drone operators, researchers and the Hamburg aviation authority. In addition, the consortium collaborates with other partners such as EASA, national regulators and ANSPs.
To gain practical insights the consortium developed a prototypical USSP control center that includes all mandatory U-space services. This prototype was successfully field tested with multiple UAS operators.
Participation at the EUROPEAN DRONE FORUM
Meet representatives of the project team in the exhibition area to experience the future U-space.
See how the USSP control centers and ground control stations work together seamlessly via an API.
Learn how to integrate drones and manned aircraft in a safe and efficient manner.
UDVeo is funded by the Federal German Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure.